Home » Centre County Gazette » BOC recognizes Lunar New Year in Centre County

BOC recognizes Lunar New Year in Centre County

Courtesy of the Centre County Board of Commissioners | Pictured from left to right are Commissioner Vice Chair Amber Concepcion, Vicky Fong, Nalini Krishnankutty and Commissioner Chair Mark Higgins.

Centre County Gazette

Submitted by the Centre County Board of Commissioners

BELLEFONTE — In their weekly meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 28, the Centre County Board of Commissioners adopted a proclamation for Lunar New Year.

On the final day of the Lunar Year of the Dragon, the Commissioners adopted a proclamation recognizing Wednesday, Jan. 29, the start of the Year of the Snake.

Lunar New Year is commonly celebrated among East and Southeast Asian communities, focusing on the celebration and strengthening of familial and community bonds.

This proclamation pays homage to the more-than-10,000 Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) residents in Centre County, who enrich our community with unique and vibrant languages, cultures, skills, creativity and heritage. Moreover, the proclamation invites people to learn about and participate in the tradition.

Nalini Krishnankutty and Vicky Fong, who cofounded the PanAPIDA Circle and who helped organize this proclamation, encouraged residents of Centre County to join in the celebration of the Lunar New Year to “reaffirm our community’s commitment to family, diversity, mutual respect and creating an inclusive environment of belonging for all residents.”

Fong promoted the following upcoming community events hosted by various APIDA groups:

  • Sunday, Feb. 2 — Lunar New Year at Schlow Library
  • Beginning Friday, Feb. 28 — Contemporary Korean art exhibit at Bellefonte Art Museum
  • Saturday, April 12— Third annual APIDA festival in downtown State College